[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

Yes please Kaii!

What is your favourite execution method?

How many wincons are there for third parties?

I personally like an arrow from apollo’s bow to the head

That i have not been told

Very specific. I like it.

I want some wisodm

The oracle doesn’t give wisodm, they give wisdom

all my wisdom is from the great Apollo

but I want wisodm

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tell us o great one

all wisdom given to me has been shared

hi guys im bored

Right then.

/ITA Hippo @Geyde

Do I have to case a painfully obvious wolf here if I miss?

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Alice we appreciate your determination to live.

I feel bad for alice, they always die early because people are scared of them

Don’t worry hen, I’ll make sure your execution is of high standard.

Get rekt son

I respecc the attempt tho so 1 hippo coin to u

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Should I ITA Alice?