[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

Accused Voters Votes
Alice Hippolytus, DatBird 2/9
Hippolytus KyoDaz, Alice, Kai_5 3/9

Bro no way u think im scum

‘tis apollo’s command

Do u scumread me?

Why tf would i even gladiate someone as scum lol

i am the oracle of delphi. a mere servant of apollo

If I change my name into Apollo will u listen to me. Just seeing how much shenanigans I can pull

I am Apollo. You won’t be deceiving him. He has true sight.

There is only one true apollo

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Is this lie 3,486 or 3,485?

Uh, sir, I don’t know what to do here man. I don’t really SR Alice either. They were honest with Astand

Apollo does not answer such unholy questions. Furthermore, you are not a vessel of Apollo.
Please phone Customer Service and try again.

Red Check on Alice guys


/vote Alice

Why didn’t we gladiate Kyo and literally anybody else? This would make this much easier

Dont need to when I can become him

oh yea

I’m a One Shot Neighborizer.

How it works is that a player i choose becomes Apollo who becomes an mechanics oracle, learning a piece of info about the game. However he cannot say it in thread, and has to hint it to me on our neighborhood.

Wait what

Nah alice would totes tr me by now and their case against me was super weak.

Did I stutter?