[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

Simon was on sulit wagon, so I want to give them a pass still for today, compared to folks I listed above.

Thatd be pretty dumb to do if he knew check was correct and alice was beyond saving.

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Oh… I never considered that.

Question is, was Alice unsaveable from a scum perspective? Or did they think they had a chance to keep her alive by throwing shade on my check?

In fact this response seems to be a lack of tmi to me. If simon is scum, idfk what he was doing, you always bus alice there.

There was also my check, Alice even self voted because she gave up

Oh so you were the other check.

No wonder my check made Alice give up lol


/vote Gamerpoke

Makes sense

As for gamerpoke, he did no solving whatsoever this game, and I think the way he popped in during itas was weird and gave me an impression he knew what was going on too well for someone barely playing.

Magnus is my suspect as well since he was high on alice townreads and didnt do much villagery. I think at least one of alice’s townreads is scum.

I think Alice would have saved maĝnus for mislynch if magnus was society.

Dat, Hja, Luxy, Jake (greenchecked) solid town, Blue, Simon, Maxi townlean, alice wanted to lynch ici d2, so i doubt ici is scum, Kai claimed 3p, kyo is weird case but Im awaiting things from him today.

Gamerpoke, Magnus, Ben are firmly in my PoE.

I recommend you take this offer if you are gamer.

Dont think dat is lying.

What if i’m neut?

You would probably have a higher chance to win with society anyway.

What is your wincon?

bruh this confused the fuck outa me when nerbins died until astand talked

Hi, maxi. Any thoughts on the game?

no i didn’t even get to do anything yesterday which sucked bc i wanted to ita my scumreads

I do hope there are itas today, otherwise not much to do.

my wincon is to see whatever faction apollo is in win. I’ve chosen someone i think is society

kinda want kyo/jake/blue to talk some more, dunno how much i like them but idk if they’re done anything important yet

so you get to choose who apollo is?

wait u said u had a 1 shot vanillizerer right (i probs spelled that wrong)