[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

this ITA session was started by scum

So Geyde?

What would be their benefit?

Do you know what factions does the word ‘scum’ include?

this is an ITA session meant for only gamers to hit in. they still need to roll for it though

fuck with town idk. all i knowcys that whenever a society member shoots it will miss no matter what

That’s a cursed word.

He’s not in the game?

Hes Datbirdbalus now.

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Then you shoot.
How did you know this?

/ita Gamerpoke

since the claim vig is firmly dead i guess i’ll say it

I am Speedwagon, a Society Mechanics Oracle. I also every day from D2 onwards there will be a fake ITA session.

this current ITA session is fake btw

Yesterday session was real though?

Or are you saying everyone who hit is not society?

all shots will miss

What about day 3?

yesterday’s fake session was meant to start 16 hours into the day. There was a real one before it. I am informed if the session is mind

i was baffled when uni was hit as well dw

i’m beginning to suspect that the game isn’t multiball and there’s only one scum faction. making my oracle stuff rather weak

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@GamerPoke do you have any defense for yourself btw?
