[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

thought u said u weren’t gonna talk about this bc i would disagree

ok so tell me why the op would lie to give us another claimvig that hasn’t dont anything till now and doesn’t use a spell

if we go use the backup method, then they should be essentially the same class alice was and have to use a spell

if the op directly lies to us then the entire op is useless bc it could be lying (that includes the rules btw) and that still doesn’t explain why they haven’t acted until now

and i think it’s awfully coincidental that kai died right after they said the copypasta, hm? idk why ur trying to turn ppl away from that so much, like you’re the one trying to give more possibilities, why is mine so hard to accept?

it’s 1 fucking 18 in the morning and i dont want to deal with this shit, ok

It’s 9:21 AM and I haven’t slept all night because my partner was ill and I had to look after them, then replaced in for this. Your time shouldn’t affect this so much. If you need sleep, then go to bed.

Whatever, either way, I won’t say the copypasta and no one should be claiming.


At least from this I’m pretty sure that Maximus didn’t kill Kai and doesn’t actually know how it happened.

got extra reading i gotta do for bio

  1. As per your comparison to the entire op being useless: The rules are the same as always and thus are trustworthy. Mechanics in an openly bastard game can and should be scrutinised at all times. I do not see why you trust that there being a claim vig prevents there from being a second scum one, or even a Society one. If we’re getting technical, the OP saying there’s a claimvig doesn’t discount there being others, it just announces there’s at least one, by saying there’s a claimvig.
  2. Your explanation isn’t hard to accept, but the thing that is, is your refusal to consider that claimvig is just as possible now as it was before and there can be multiple things lying or at least being true but in a way that it seems like a lie or a stretch of the truth.
  3. If it uses a spell it’s Hearthstone based. There’s a lot of classes already flipped that don’t use spells and aren’t Hearthstone based. Discounting something due to that is also a complete and utter mistake.

Tinfoiling that Maximus could be scum due to being so adamant that it’s copypasta things and not wanting town to consider there being a claimvig.

As if there is a claimvig and people claim, it’s just free kills. Idk, it’s early on and I’m mentally exhausted but I don’t like Max atm tonally here.

what? yes it does

“There is a claimvig” if there were two it would say “There are claimvigs”

how the fuck do you say there’s 1 claimvig while there actually being 2 without blatantly lying

and the op lying is still the op lying, you can’t cherrypick mechanics that don’t lie

“you cannot talk during night” well woopdedoo the rules are fuckin outta here just like tonight

I completely disagree. My conclusion is the opposite. If he knew it wasn’t due to copypasta, he wouldn’t be arguing so furiously.

And he wouldn’t be annoyed at the possibility of OP lying if his reasoning was fake.

i’m not discounting the second claimvig, i’m just saying that my explanation is far more likely than a bs second claimvig

that was talking about tha backup smh

you are stupid.

I’m going to sleep btw, I’m too tired and too done to deal with this.
I’m stressed and gonna have a lot to think about here.

My thoughts on Maxi and this situation are out there.
So I’m happy with my start in this game.

If you have any questions @ me.

You are lucky you got greenchecked, PKR.



oops that link didn’t work

but this one does


what day was it?

was it on the day about something about scum getting a godfather

No, Luxy greenchecked him just recently, N3.

i see