[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

Also why did Gamer land a hit on Derps if the ITAs were fake

That particular ITA wasn’t fake apparently. The day ended before we got to the fake ITA.

Although his card says fake ITAs start D2, but on D2 there were no ITAs, so maybe the class card is a lie (or Geyde didn’t realize he had to open ITA session)

There were though

I wouldn’t have missed it. Nothing like that in Geyde’s ISO.

Oh wait… that was d3. Not day 2

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The skip a day is messing with me

Simon don’t disappoint with that wall.

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excuse me?
i didnt ask for you to out abilities
i asked for you to out a single ability. which has been established to not trigger claimvig.
idec if this makes me look more scummy i want to be accurate as to my actions/intentions

supposed* afaik you werent confirmed at the time
yes its confirmed now, but at the time it was supposed

i will say that the reason i had before for not pushing poke no longer exists :+1:
astand should know why if they read* carefully

**Extremely Hard to Kill Reptile

if yall really want to prove this you can shoot me. if theres even a 1% chance of a society member hitting and they shoot me, ill die. please dont tho, i do want to live, even though my abilities have stunted.

bullshit. yesterday was a real ITA session, since uni was hit
…although i suppose a scum would go for that since its effectively a bus at that point.

oh nvm lol

HS flavor anyone?

Link for posterity
well i suppose theres still a claimvig out and about.

well i suppose that confirms that that ITA was fake.

it says there is 1 claimvig. it does not say there isnt more than 1 claimvig.

not with the current wording it wouldnt.
please trust me in this yall know i deal in logic at this point. im not saying there is another claimvig for sure, just that the OP doesnt prevent there from being one.
its like the question, “I have two coins. one of them is not a nickel. they add up to 12 cents. what two coins do i have?” the answer is a dime and a nickle. one isnt a nickle (its a dime), and the other is.

From what geyde said before game, OP doesnt lie, but has tricksy wording. thats why im going with this.

it doesnt.

we shouldnt have to.

again it doesnt.

this i mean yeah, its a logical argument. :man_shrugging: should be used imo.

what it is saying isnt false in the first one. its a lie of omission, by not telling us there is more than one (hypothetically), but it is not false to say theres a claimvig, even if there are two.

I support this. it feels way too similar

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you know i could never let you down :sparkles:

I think it fell more in line with the copy pasta but who knows there still could be a claim vig

Do we have a VC? Has anyone voted yet?


‘ONLY’ in the main thread.
Scumteam is removed from chat?

“night 4 only” probably means there is no talk in main thread on any nights after that.

Kyo decided to do some nonsense instead of going for agreed plan, so he’s trending down significantly.

People are going to die, probably, and I don’t know who.

Brace yourselves.

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Capital punishment is imminent.

Ok so I guess we gotta start on a POE for today

I think some high end Poe targets are

Ben since he hasnt done much but feel cleared by Kai who said it was fake

Magnus claiming the same thing as a dead guy who said he was all alone

Maxi low activity

Gamer, low activity but did shoot a third party

I’m sure it won’t be that bad. The plan was unfortunately diverted by Magnus. Not me. Clearly.

I definitely feel much better about Maxi than about Gamerpoke.