[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

Scummy: Ben
PoE: Maxi, Mag, Gamer (Maybe Blue)

I don’t like how Ici has been so dismissive of me (And I just realised Ici’s name change which confuses me more) but that puts Ici 6th on my priority list.

I literally replaced Jake.

But you havent seen him in your class card?

Which means you got bamboozled.

i’m spewed v
nice try though

well, i just looked at the OP
and it doesnt say anything about what possible flavors are in this, except for HS flavor (without explicitly saying ‘HS flavor is in the game’ of course)

so although it was established previously that its HS jojo, and SCP flavor, theres nothing preventing there from being other flavors
case in point: universal doesnt seem to fit any of these 3 from what i can tell

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that was all me, dw about it

by who’s assessment?

Pkr, do you know what actions your slot did. Dont say what, just whether you know or not.

im not suspecting you i just need a catchup on it

does w!Alice hard push me to the point of repeatedly putting me at the bottom of her readlists if I’m w? I thought not.

I thik the signup thread one of the last few posts was about flavor, but as I have already also stated yes ther is a joker flip that doesnt fit, and M Bison does fit into previous Geyde pfps

No, like I was literally told in thread, in my card.
Pretty much wherever possible that I replaced in for JakeTheWolfie.

But for some reason they gave me a fresh thread.
Perhaps the reason Jake was replaced out was game integrity based? Or angleshooting in thread?

I don’t know, but at the same time…
I’m pretty sure he couldn’t have done anything.

if its by your own assessment i cannot take it as anything other than nai :man_shrugging:

i mean yeah i agree that was the reached consensus (or rather what geyde announced in that thread) but that isnt set in stone

sorry ici, just personal policy

>man is literally spewed v
>man says he’s v
>spew is invalidated

your dogmatic adherence to form is distrurbing me this game.

Why am I worried that Geyde is typing?

You should ask, because you ought to know if there are no shenanigans.

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thats why you should ask geyde directly in your rc whether or not you’re the exact same card as jake, minus bread
idk if you responded to my saying this previously, or not, so sorry if you did

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Skidaddle Skidoodle

ITAs don’t rhyme worth shit but they’re active.