[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

It’s a bastard game, two players have changed name, and we’re in the worst Hearthstone adventure.

fuck yes

/shoot PKR


Ici, srsly?

Spicy. Prob wolfy somehow.

ok before anyone else shoots can people hear me out



are u kidding me

fuck I didn’t expect accountability
no but real talk i’m pretty sure PKR flips w

Datbird talk

We have a lynch later, so lets use this to get rid of the pool. I say we get rid of Magnus imo

your being the one calling it out is whats getting it for me. doesnt mean i distrust you just that im not going to count that particular piece of evidence.
others are free to consider it as they will, i wont stop them

I wait for flip

Im pretty sure Luxy said he was greenchecked and could of confirmed PKRs card

PokemonKidRyan was…

M Bison


Society Master

PSYCHO POWER (Passive) - If you are killed, you will inhabit another player’s body.

Scissor Kick (Day) - Disable a player’s passives for the rest of the cycle. - Infinite Uses
Mind Control (Day) - Convert a player to your scumchat if they are the last member of their team alive. Only usable while the body inhabited by Psycho Power is still alive. - 1 Use

Psycho Crusher (Night) - Kill a player. - 1 Use

Defeat all players other than you, your teammate [REDACTED], and players you convert.

that passive

no wait
better idea

we have magnus full claim on threat of lynch/ita, and respond if we dont like it

i know what the normal response would be but before you post that response, think

Ok he had anti society wincon.

Icibalus goat

see! I didn’t fuck up!

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Oof lmao