[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!


I’ll allow this to be a trial.

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Court is now in session for the trial of KyoDaz, for what it’s worth.

Are the defense and prosecution ready?

It’s evidence, and as such has been confiscated.

Your honor how can this be a trial for murder when no one was murdered


Your honor, the Defense literally just broke the order


Kyo is innocent. Magnus isn’t even a human, he’s claimed scp, so even if he was killed, it’s not a murder!


Indeed. I expect more order from this point forward!

Presicely. It’d be animal cruelty at best. Those SPCs are clearly a threat.

Objection overruled. Legally, Magnus has not been classified by foundation officials, and as such is technically still a citizen.

I dont know the order can we expand further into these points

We will continue this trial on the assumption that the defendant, KyoDaz, did willingly and knowingly seek to murder Magnus.

Prosecution, you may call your first witness.

I call @eevee to the stand.


Good. We need some quality customer service here.


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Oh no, not this man again. Not after the last trial.

Does a giant unkillable lizard even count in this court of law as a victim, and how can a murder trial be handled when the lizard cant be killed. This is shenanigans and bollucks I say you. You cant hold a murder trial for an alive victim, maybe attempt at murder but at least thats a reduced sentence


I swear to god phoenix stop breaking the order
My witness isn’t even on stand yet


Order! I said, order! Mr Wright, please remain calm, and cease such vulgar language, else you will be held in contempt!

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