[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

Anyone else there? What else did Simon say?

Except for mods, nope. Also, it was my passive. But he left. Now I’m alone.

Alright, I’ll give you time to post thoughts about the game and arguments on who should be lynched.

Oh and Poke could have been much more helpful…shame.

Didn’t use his abilities? (don’t tell me what those abilities are)

He did. I guess it must be hard to ascertain when they should be used, what with day and night phase being so unstable.

What did you mean by “Poke could have been much more helpful”?

Again, speak in general without outing your abilities.

Besides the one he used, there were other possible actions he could have done that would have helped Society.

Also, on average, how many abilities per person are we looking at?

About 4 probably.

Evil Ginger is village.

Soul read.

Thank god gamerpoke got replaced.

Still don’t relax ginger, and help us win this.

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Then I will go ahead and say I am about average, though three abilities are essentially on the weaker end.

So, chaotically, Kyo messed up a lot. But now that they are vanillified, I dont think they are a threat

How experienced you are in forum mafia?

Hmm…generally? I have played only casual level games

Alright, you might want to link some of your scum/town games for reference. Not necessarily right now.

…so you want my references? I just put them on my resume because they looked good…

Nah jk, I will share a link soon.

As for suspicious individuals, anyone not actively helping or engaging in the conversation come to mind.

Mr. Facts don’t care about your feelings…

Welp, don’t know how well this will help, but here is my first game. Conveniently, I won, lol.

Oh, ignore the fact that I was Mafia, that is unimportant.
