[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

Go big. Im also going big. I will make an announcement soon.

Quick question do u know around what post Alice’s flip was?

Found it. Gg bois

If this works this might be game over lol

Is your ability that much bastard?

From 0 to 10 how bastard it is.



I have to ask, but is there much risk?

Not really at most it doesnt work

I have fear my plan and your plan might not work well together.

Well what’s ur plan involve or will giving it away ruin ur plan?

Probably not, but I kinda didnt want the wolves to know in advance.

I will try to clarify something.

I say you go for your thing regardless.

My plan revolves in changing wincons, if that’s any help


What’s wrong?

Society favored wincon?

Maybe :stuck_out_tongue:

ofc it will

Jsyk I didn’t know about that hidden function. You better be glad I tried to wipe my phone screen lol

Oof just informed I will be unable to