[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

Big oof indeed

Back to changing a name again. H_HjaDatbird it is

I guess I can change the answer from 10 to a five. Name changing is still pretty bastard

Accused Voters Votes
Magnus Evil_Ginger, Maxi, Luxy, Simon, Kyo, 5/7

@astand wanna vote now or wait longer?

I would feel bad if someone didnt submit their na and a hammer occurs.

@Evil_Ginger @MaximusPrime @KyoDaz @Luxy @Simon @BlueStorm @Icibalus submit actions incase rn

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I have input what I could, but I haven’t been getting a response. I think my abilities are lies…

Nvm, just my inexperience showing.

Ok Astand we are back to the drawing boards. I couldnt change wincons, but I might be able to change something else. I have know what I’m changing which is the problem.

oooh i got a new idea, lets see if this is to bastard

Hopefully if this works it wll be super helpful, but wont end game super fast like the old idea

technically, scp is a role and a flavor
scp, as in the scp-universe
scp, as in an anomalous object within the scp-universe, which the foundation has categorized.

so while one of their factions could be society/gamers, its possible that they’re “society SCP”

in fact, if there are any society out there with that description, i would like to ask that you reveal that, so we know if thats possible. you dont need to claim any further than that if you wish, but it would be nice to have confirmation/denial on it

As for the deer card I have seen from someone else it didnt mention SCP in win con, or like role title, just the flavor name

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well thats that then
yeah that wincon seems bogus

I’m really confused when it comes to roles and wincon

After all, I’m society.

Now then, isnt the meme ‘society is oppressing gamers’

So would it be logical for society to have a game related flavor?

Ok back tracking to what I said earlier, rule got changed. I can actually change someones win cons if i changed all the ones that have Alices exact wincon to a wincon I know like my own. Or I got a might work on this one, may be able to bring someones alive status from dead to alive. But either one seems iffy as is.

no cause society hates gamers and blames them for everything

Then idk about my role/card in and of itself anymore.