[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

Yeah and what are ur reads?

I. Haven’t. Been. ON.

U have for twenty minutes. Catch up and give some reads

Can you link me to EoD?

Nah it’s not in OP and I’m on mobile

So am I!

Just search back like 700 or so posts


Actually like 40 posts after that I just cant read simple numbers


If u read start of day we are allowed to talk only during this night


Oof you want me to fully claim?


I’m Dr. Gears, whoever the hell that is.

And what’s ur wincon?

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That isn’t exact.

So what is exact?

Were u in a chat with SirDerps?

And this is why I suck at Mafia I have 0 patience

‘Kill all other SCP classes and survive until the end of the game’
Kill him. Quickly.