[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

It hasn’t been proceeded yet

This is a prove that GAMERS is the most opposed group
Joking aside, if worse to come we can easily confirm Jake using his post restrictions

I’ll prob vote sulit then in all seriousness.

Hja too precious.

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anyway, it is tim3 f0r us t0 liv3 in a s0ci3ty with0ut gam3rs.

Technically, you’re gamer.

Anyway, I will go as I have RL unlike you guys. See you in 10-12 hours.

There’s a difference between GAMERS and gamers


Gam3rs fall d0wn

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Yeah, that’s what I was thinking about too



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The other is capital

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Anyway, D0 w3 think Kai th3 supp0s3d 0mnimill3r isn’t just lying, kn0wing fullw3ll that th3 claimvig is 0n th3ir t3am? 0r ar3 th3y gambling that th3 claimvig had limit3d us3s 0f th3ir ability, and thus wasting it 0n th3m?

Or bulletproof?

W3ll y3s, but th3y still d0n’t kn0w if th3y bypass anything.

Tip: use
:a: letter?

I don’t really like that this was asked. It feels almost like an attempt to get kai to modkill himself like, if someone has a restriction that they can’t out their info on threat of modkill, they obviously aren’t allowed to soft it either.

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Naturally, this game begins right before I go back to school. Wonderful.
Anyway, WE LIVE IN A SOCIETY and i’ll be back for way more content this afternoon after orientation day.

Are you not Society?