[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

whats your wincon, what are all of your abilities, and whats your class type (right under name)

this is your only respite for not dying to the lynch

i don’t think it should take more than 34 min for a full claim, not just ur name

sure, giving the benefit of the doubt you could be busy but you really gotta do it before night ends or you’re getting lynched

My iPad got confiscated.
Can’t talk now. Sorry.

Name: Dr. Gears
Type: Third Party Investigative
Wincon: Defeat All SCPs and survive until the end of the game.
(I’m back on for a while)

Were u in a chat with Sir Derps?

I answered this!

missed a part

Wait I didn’t.

Yah ya didnt

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Reminds me a bit of a paladin, actually.
Although not entirely.

thats not an answer

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@Magnus your just rewording this.
it shouldnt take long.
yes you have the benefit of the doubt for probably being busy, but the longer this takes the more scummy you seem

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I was just adding the next day to the Pokémon Roleplay.
Sure, let me just recheck them.


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I forgot how many abilities I have.


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I was waiting for you to say to paste them lol.

No just do it

its not that hard magnus just look at your classcard and make the post there, then come back here and post it
forgetting has nothing to do with it

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