[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

The ability.

Obviously I didnt, since I didn’t dayvig day one.

magnus omg
he says you could have, without copy/pasting anything, described all of your abilities in your own words

So. What discrepancies do you find?

no thats not what i mean
its what you should have done

you really should never copy/paste from your rolecard

I didn’t get it.
I’m on mobile as well. An iPad Mini, of all things.

Let’s hope they don’t see it.

does not mean you cant redescribe it
mobile does not stop you from typing in a post

Magnus u have no clue what any of these are?

magnus of course they’ll see it
and even if they didnt i would let them know because i wouldnt lie to them about that

according to his claim that first one couldnt have been him
and the second one was something hja did so :man_shrugging: i dont think thats on him

But it’s weird that Hja knows of his ability.

isnt emerald splash a meme thing?

Also this ability doesnt describe the three

I could prove my ability?

Yes from jojo a theme of the game which is weird that an scp doctor has

I don’t know many memes.


What are u thinking about