[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

So is like the reaper if he has souls but he is still dead to lynches

Reaper isn’t lynched during the night.

shrug stop twilight posting

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yee yee I’m going to reread votes so don’t post

dawn posting*

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so we can talk without twilight posting? Sweet

Accused Voters Votes
Magnus Evil_Ginger, MaximusPrime, Luxy, Simon, KyoDaz, Astand, DatBird 7/7

Hammer has been reached.

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everyone voted me? I feel mistreated. I never killed anyone

except for that family up the road

Magnus was…

SCP 682

Gamer Adaptive
Impervious (Passive) - You are infinitely bulletproof, which cannot be bypassed. Whenever a Gamer dies, you will automatically gain 1-shot versions of all their abilities.
Adapt (Passive) - Every night, you may choose a modifier to grant yourself from a list of three for that night ONLY.

Puzzle Box of Yogg Saron (Day) - [SPELL] Cast 3 Random Spells chosen by the mod. - 1 Use
Silence (Day) - [SPELL] All healing and protection on the target will be nullified this cycle. Any passives they have will be disabled. - 1 Use
Supreme Archeology (Day) - [SPELL] Kill a player provided they have claimed their role fully (at least all important parts). You will copy their role. This effect is strongman - 1 Use
Curse of Rafaam (Day) - [SPELL] If the target casts any spells with negative effects today, they will become vanillarized. - 1 Use
Enter the Coliseum (Day) - [SPELL]
Hidden Wisdom (Day) -

Overpowered (Night) - Duplicate all actions on target player to yourself. - 1 Use
Purify (Night) - Roleblock a player. - 1 Use
Void Contract (Night) - Determine the target’s flavor name. - 1 Use
Ignoramus (Night) -
Egg (Night) -
Joker (Night) -
Reno Jackson (Night) -
Omniscient (Night)
Keyboard (Night) -
Silencer (Night) -
Don’t pick this, you’ll die (Night) -
Cursed Word (Night) -

Rise up and defeat all of society. Also Third Party because neuts out.


Magnus if you keep posting I’m going to modkill you dansgame



I shalt never surrender!

Night has also coincidentally ended. Giving out results.


Ah shit, here we go again.

Simon has died!


Society Arena God
Never Lucky (Passive) - All random effects will give you the worst possible outcome.
Vegan (Passive) - You can’t eat meat.
Draft (Passive) - During n0, you will draft a set of passives, day abilities, and night abilities.

Discover (Day) - Choose an ability from a list of three provided by the mod. These can be passives, day abilities, or night abilities. - 3 Uses
Puzzle Box of Yogg Saron (Day) - [SPELL] Cast three random spells at random targets. - 1 Use
Defeat all who would threaten Society.

Astand has died!

Drakonid Operative

Society Priest
Secret Agent (Passive) - Immune to ITAs.

Devour Mind (Day) - [SPELL] Probe into a player’s thoughts. - 1 Use

Investigate (Night) - Determine the target’s role. Their role will show as an HS class depending on flavor. On even nights, you will also gain a copy of their primary night ability. - Infinite Uses
Angleshoot (Night) - Determine a player’s alignment. This will not break any rules. - 2 Uses
Void Contract (Night) - Determine the target’s flavor name. - Infinite Uses
Bastard Repellent (Night) - Remove all bastard effects from the game (doesn’t remove semi-bastard effects). - 1 Use

Defeat all who would threaten Society.

The terrain effect is now The Spire.


I will reveal 2 pertinent mechanical facts regarding the game within the next two hours.

Day has now started and will end in 48 hours or when majority is reached.

With 9 players left, majority is 5.

Meh my two most trustworthy people dead and I was tampered with ofc. Well imma sleep. Hopefully we got this

There is one Gamer-aligned scum remaining, and one Society-aligned scum remaining.

To clarify, there is one scum with the gamer faction and one scum with the society faction.

The lost wolf joined the main pack on n3.



Shit. Welp.

BenShapiro has died (this happened today)!

Saronite Chain Gang

Society 1 player, 2 slots
How long must this go on? (Passive) - You are in control of two slots, your own and [REDACTED]. Both slots have this passive, the ability to vote, and no abilities.

Defeat all who would threaten Society.