[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

no i mean in this game I have reason to believe anybody posting random images has some kind of mechanical reason to and thus this game random stupid images will be NAI

as such, I will be focusing on creating #Chartz this game because now they’re NAI and you can’t stop me

I can see mindset I had as wolf before in that not particularly concrete posts different from each other but those post together

oh okay cool you’re a villager now I can ignore you

Gut says ici is wolfing.


I did :raised_hand:. I liked the theming and story not the cards .

I have calculated the Mafia team with a 95 percent chance of success.



Oh hey I’m apparently alive hello everyone
I’ll read later because I am currently not at my PC and mobile reading is hell.

O shit, here we go

Why do I miss the exciting shit when playing DnD

At least my character levelled up

uhm, no
non-town, sure
anti-town? no
my whole stance is that its possible to have neutrals that side with town. if they dont side with town lynch them. keep them at a distance so that betrayal doesnt hurt town that much, but let them live enough to helo town.

i just am legitimately anti-neuts-out. I completely disagree with the mindset that all neutrals should be lynched purely for being neutrals

lmao bye hja :wave:

magnus, honey, you can vote anyone you like until and unless the mods say different. dont just let hja bullshit you into not voting anyone else

:man_facepalming: it was so that i could get information around the post restriction. i have to know what he can and cant do. also, post restrictions are different. depending on the wording it can be something simple like that. I asked him to confirm with geyde it was okay for him to do so before moving on. trying to get him modkilled would have been starting the questions without asking that.

been over this, i asked it about all factions to cover my bases. not to mention i have not been explicitly told by geyde that the faction which i am a part of (which i have also refused to claim) is the town or is not the town. it is implied that it is town but i am being careful.

it would be angleshooty if i didnt make sure he asked geyde before. otherwise, its the same process as asking him yes/no questions, sped up.
so unless using the like/nolike thing is angleshooting, this isnt either

so presumably you’re cool with me asking kai about all 3 listed factions?

Hja: surprised pikachu
apparently im the only one whos okay with sulit having a plan. so :man_shrugging:
yall need to relax about this as it really doesnt mean anything until he does something with it. its not not sharing info with the town if the plan is in an early enough stage that there is no info to share.
not to mention its very easy for your plan to come apart once its revealed, so i dont blame sulit for not, assuming he does have a plan.

Bold of your to assume anyone here have a plan

im not

i dont actually think he has one im just defending this stance of his

And if Sulit really have a plan, it’s probably “post random image then disappear”


I got nothing yet, so have a picture of a jouch


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can i choose to not have it?


Jouch is eternal

No u