[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

Claimvigged him

What did Hja being shivved do?

Tbh I’d literally subtly lied to Ici and said a separate thing in his chat to make people think he was converted when I jumped into his slot. So I take partial credit for that.


Gj @DatBird , @Icibalus , and @BlueStorm

Eevee will revert name changes soon™


If that was the case, then someone would have died that night and the game would have been over. I didn’t check the spread sheet but as soon as the no kill happened I assume wolves did it for the mylo scenario. Not sure if that was intentional

Luxy never had a night kill.

why did the game end then

His team had odd/even kills
Pkr died so kill became non consecutive

Awww but I think they should keep their names.
It’s not a bug, it’s a feature.

Wait what’s my name gonna revert to???

You get a blank name.



I’ll take it

I’m so lost butt fuck it it was fun

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Honestly if I hadn’t been killed you wouldn’t have had nearly as strong as a foothold.
I would have forced you to out the last scum or perish, and so you would have not been able to influence us

I figured there was at least one of them deceiving us so I decided incinerating them both to guarantee the problem is removed was acceptable.


the biggest fallacy

you guys all say “oh luxy is such confirmed town he is definitely not scum” THEN WHY ISN’T HE KILLED YET like come on guys

this post makes me angry bc ur right D:<

U didnt get away with that it was obvious u were lying but u were just less obvious than alice so i last min went for her instead.