[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!


I just realized.

Warlock is a WoW class.

Yeah but the lore was fun, also the chess was cool.

Yeah I know, its just idk what point Warlocks bring to the table and wether I can trust them

yes but the chess is way more fun as a Tavern Brawl


Warlock is also a HS class, because HS classes are WoW classes.

known for the definitely viable and not at all stupid Supreme Archeology/Plot Twist deck that definitely has a good winrate in Uldum

yes zoo for life

I mean, WoW is a game and Warlocks are in a game.
Maybe the warlocks are GAMERS?

but that means one third of the themeing to the game is gamers and one of them just cast a spell

Here’s to hoping tommorow will be in a good adventure, like Kobolds and Catacombs Dungeon Run.

I liked the death knight and quest expansions they were pretty cool. Also mean streets. I liked a lot of them til witchwood and then I lost hope in the game

Accused Voters Votes
Simon BenShapiro, MaximusPrime, Hippolytus, Kai_5 4/11
Sulit H_Hja, Magnus 2/11
Nerbins Astand 1/11
Kyo DatBird 1/11

that’s cheating mean streets didn’t actually have an adventure
Knights of the Frozen Throne had a really good adventure, but not the best.

If we’re talking pure expansion quality, can we get a shoutout for my boy WHISPERS OF THE OLD GODS

Yesssssss Cthun and Ygogg and the other two. God that was the peak easily


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I liked the one with RNG

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How many people do I have to sacrifice to get Yogg in this game

I mean the one where you choose hero and then get random abilities/artefacts after match

Which one? Dalaran Heist, Rumble Run, Monster Hunt, the actual game and Dungeon Run all fit that description.