[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

I have reason to believe the check bypasses that.

So there is a reason and not a guess?

Does it say so explicitly? Because I received an ability explicitly stating so.

Uh no, I’m just guessing. Reading someone’s mind rather than investigating them are completely different. You can’t exactly frame someone to think something.

Then don’t trust it. Flavour is flavour.

Don’t blindly ignore it either - it could still be true. But it could also be untrue.

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I think you made a bad play outing this info, Blue.

Now every scum will give this excuse.

@Luxy I will not accept mechanical talks. I know you are scum.

Then we rely on reads unless we know information can explicitly be trusted. It is, after all, a game of FM. I’m not good at reads but I know other people are.

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I might have a reason to trust my information more than normal.

I’ll keep this statement in mind.

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H3y guys I’m catching up 0n th3 thr3ad lik3 a n0rmal p3rs0n.

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Wait it’s alr3ady D2? wtf?

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I take full responsibility for that. Apologies.

Sorry, I was in a rush to get my opinion out there and I acknowledge that what I said and did was ridiculously scummy and rash. My thought was that I know I’m Society, and I don’t think the judge thing was empowered so Simon had to be mafia. However, I admit there’s still a chance it could’ve been empowered, so there’s a chance he might not be. I’m certain it’s Luxy, though. Astand wouldn’t just claim a redcheck with no reason if he’s scum.
/unvote Simon
/vote Luxy

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The ability is called Govern if any of you were interested. Didn’t think it significant to say but saying ability over again might get confusing.

Also, Kyo, did you ask Geyde if Govern is a spell?

it’s not because there’s not a hearthstone card called Govern

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Yes. Apparently it’s not a spell.
Figured so as well since my character isn’t HS related.