[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

If I remember right, he was suspected even before the gallows.

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Well I pretty much didn’t read the early game.

Jeez Simon you typing an essay

Neither did I, honestly. I skimmed through it after I woke up

Correct. So you were though lol.

By like 2 people

Odds on Simon quoting like 80 posts in a massive wall?

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Ehhh 8/10

Yeah but one of them was me and i count as 5 so it was actually 6 ppl

I hope town has slank vig btw.

Pretty sure that wasn’t before day 2

Meh maybe, I don’t sr you or Simon as a result of Kyos thing anyway, I don’t really trust that. More tonal.

Also does claim vig target only people who claim names, or do they also target people who say ability names?

You never learn Hippo
I’ve grown over the past like 6 months
I am no longer the memer you remember
Though I guess some things never change. Like my terrible FM skills

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Tbf you’ve had a pretty decent defence since you’re first couple of mega oof posts so I’ll see. For the record if you had liked my post asking for likes to kill maybe kill myself I’d have insta-cleared you.


I do miss your old pfp tho you used to have the best one on the forums.

Oh, the mosaic?

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Okay yeah you’re right I still Meme but I take FMs more seriously now