[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

Don’t understand why we are telling people not to post and give us reads but hey

Universal is frozen.

Also Hippo please apply pressure to Universal
He refuses to say anything even though he’s being asked and he’s online

Like his computer/phone is frozen or are you being sarcastic?

He’s scum panicking and has no idea what to type.

Yeah he has a default PFP, no sympathy for him

Cuz recently ppl keep just quoting a thousand things and doing one liners under each one. Instead of presenting a cohesive paragraph with quotes to support it they quote everything and and give a shallow comment on each one. Both scum and town have been doing it but it makes it much easier for scum to hide.

Put it in a spoiler.
Problem solved.

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Perhaps. It makes it harder to follow people thread progression though.

I think scum!Dat is a biggest fan of this.


I’m going to admit that I don’t read them, but they’re good to refer back to for an ISO.

Hey Dat, we want an ISO from you! Try to include witty stuff in it BTW makes it more fun to read

Pretty please can you answer some questions? With a cherry on top, even?

kai has said it contains at least 1 E

Im not in the gallows tho
the way your ability is worded, it seems like no matter what you do someone will be lynched, and since neither me nor nerbins was lynched it must have just fizzled (as opposed to failing).
also i would have to actually be in the gallows for that to work. which probably means either twilight or L-1 or something.

no. that thing before called “magic trick” in the thread? thats a spell
if it were a spell it would reveal to the whole game.

confirmed in OP the presence of a claimvig

sure, but heres the thing: a “fail” state for the ability would still cause a person to be lynched. Unless the ability auto-lynches, which i kinda doubt, it must have had 0 effect.

nobody was lynched d1. there was no lynch for you to overturn. thus all of this means nothing

if by unambiguous it says society at the bottom im calling bs because that is ambiguous.
factions arent told to us as to which are the majority/minority/ies. so unless you are told to be part of the majority it is vague and left for you to assume.
note how i didnt point out the terms uninformed or informed in that minority/majority thing. an uninformed minorty is a possible thing. a bad thing for them, but possible in a bastard thing

its really not how kyo’s ability should work given the info he has said

hehehe what if this just gives a random screencap of the targets rolechat?
not including their card just a random screencap.
warning: this part of the post is a meme. its neat to think about but i dont really think this would happen. please dont take me seriously on this

Honestly i can see it coming from someone thats just misguided

doesnt mean you cant trust it, just be more careful about it

I will say this isnt always the correct move, as i happen to have an ability that its name does not match a hearthstone’s card’s name, however i am equally sure that it is indeed a spell in terms of this game’s mechanics

funny, i feel its just the opposite for me :slight_smile:

first of all saying icis read is wrong in this post is logical inaccuracy; the fact that you know your role is not admissible evidence. second of all, depending on astand’s reasons for trusting the information a read may well be the more trustworthy source of information.

questionable does not necessarily mean scummy. it means weird, or non-town. could be neutral, could be scum, could be town with a reason to act non-towny. but its not a normal town, according to the read.

O.o what if i was somehow right?

ez pocket on nerbins end gg.

tbf it could be said that lolbastard game could be considered reasonable basis, especially since at the time all you had said was that you had reason to trust it.

The fact that you know your role is not admissible evidence

do better than this. give yourself a defense. prove to us that its fake, treat it as if someone who is LockTown* had a large scumread on you, why are you town?. saying that it isnt means nothing. yet again, the fact that you know your role is not admissible evidence.
*I.e. suspecting the scumreader doesnt work

see above

or its a neutral that can help town. those exist. they happen.

…sure, i guess ill take it :+1:
not townreading you for it, but nice

day 1 and subsequent n1 was skipped for some reason. presumably no night action, and no deaths were observed.

that doesnt make this a valid defense. it may make the evidence against you unjustified, but the vision is still on you from that evidence, even though it has been zeroed out,
basically, its fine to use that as a reason to not trust someone elses info on you, but its not fine as a defense for yourself.

“The check is right. Geyde is lying to you about your rolecard” < - - same effect as what you’re saying.
see above, nonadmissible evidence

how does that effect the ways it could be wrong? in fact empowering it would make it more likely to work.

and which replaces that day’s lynch, instantly ending the day.

“just now” lol i havent stopped typing. for these games i do mega posts not short posts as i catch up, so that way i can respond to how people respond to my mega post. basically it takes less time to be/stay current.

we dont know yet.

wow yall dont even have the decency to ping a guy when you’re going after them like this and they’re observed to lurk? @Universal

its not witty comments for the sake of witty comments. i quote on things i would have responded to had i been here, and i just do it in a wall to save time and not have people responding to me as i type.

i stop while im scrolling down to find a post i want to respond to lol. im not constantly typing away at this after reading. i do it as i go. in these you can tend to see that i start reacting to info more later on in the post as i read it. and i like to leave the top posts unchanged, as again, i like to do these responding as i would, were i here.

honestly like a good 60-70% of these are just logical corrections which dont have anything to do with pushing, but that i like to give.

yes ive been playing super mechanically. thats my focus in bastard games; getting a feel for how they roll so i can maybe understand whats possible and whats not. as we see more of the mechanics you can make better guesses as to whats possible and what isnt, which makes for more sound plans, and it makes it harder to accurately fake-claim as scum.

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I will not read it.

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I’m out good luck guys

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its fine to use that as a reason to not trust someone elses info on someone
“you” was not the right word choice here

And if it worked if it was a spell, if either of the two people were mafia the mafia person would’ve died. But it’s not a spell so it wasn’t empowered.

would you prefer me to post it as i go and then take 15 minutes to respond to your responses, as you do?
because i find that very annoying, so i dont want to do that

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This was a joke in response to a post Hippo made in response to a lot of recent ISOs being too witty.

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