[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

Anywho thoughts on Uni?

And @sulit I saw you bro

Yes they have posted 1 times and it was very non helpful at all. And supposedly they started typing and stopped. It’s weird af but nothing much we can do til N2 or D3

Who cant be voted? Luxy, uni ,and who?


Astand, why do you keep changing votes?

W3 n33d s0m3 m0r3 discussi0n.

/vote Astand

3xplain wh0 y0ur t0p scumr3ads ar3 and why.

I’ll ask u the same thing Jake

he was mainly voting more inactives after his main votes got immunity
he changed his vote off of you at my behest, although I cant tell you why just yet

(sorry i thought that was in a new post my bad. ill repost that without edits now)

NAI 0p3ning

M3m3 accusati0ns?

Th3ir first accusati0n, s33mingly 0ut 0f n0wh3r3.

C0nfirmati0n 0f a p0t3ntially wast3d day ability.

An0th3r accusati0n s33mingly 0ut 0f n0wh3r3.

It may just b3 m3, but this might b3 scum that is pr3t3nding t0 hav3 a day ability.

But y0u v0t3d th3m 0ut 0f n0wh3r3.

And an0th3r v0t3 0n N3rbins with0ut 3xplanati0n.

Finally, a r3as0n why y0ur v0ting s0m30n3…

…But y-u w0n’t 3lab0rat3 why.

Astand is pushing 0n Luxy f0r a r3dch3ck that th3y trust in…

I find this suspici0us. It’s alm0st guar3nt33d t0 b3 a bastard gam3. 3v3n if it wasn’t, y0ur s0fting an inv3stigativ3. 3v3n if th3 claimvig d03sn’t kill y0u, th3 scum might just kill y0u.

N0 r3as0ning.

Limit3d us3 inv3stigati0n. ?

0v3rall, I’m n0t d0n3 y3t, but Astand is sup3r scummy t0 m3 IM0.

Disagree here. This looks more like Maxi trying to guess what the claimvig entails. Looks to be NAI for me.

Also reading the thread RN. Didn’t have much Internet access for 2-ish days thanks to Dorian.

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welcome back

the hell is dorian

The hurricane. I live in the southeast US, so the storm season’s kind of being a pain here.



ignore my headass

hope you and your family are very safe and sound :slight_smile:


I know of one way it cant be faked!
even with all the bastard stuff i can think of, there is exactly one method to fake it, and its one i highly doubt was used, due to the necessary foreknowledge on the part of the parties involved
so if it is information gleamed in the method i am thinking of, i would trust that information. astand may be less trustworthy, but assuming i knew precisely what results they got i would highly trust it. in fact, assuming Geyde didnt meddle to a degree which doesnt make sense even for bastard, i would say i would be 100% confident in that information.

Quick question? Why exactly were you asking if 3ps/Gamers were the scum faction in the beginning?

for confirmation
i had assumed gamers were scum, 3rd parties neutral, and society town
but that was never explicitly stated

i am allowed to disclose that this game is multiball

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