[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

oh ok, so they just made it up?

Well yes, but actually no

Arbitrary number meaning that there may or may not be a converter but mentioning Ragnarok from when Ici was Cult Leader in VCFM made it pop into my head

I wouldn’t take the number too seriously

G4m3r5 r153 up

Are you saying you’re a gamer?

N0, I’m n0t saying I am.

i dont like how much ici tried to shed doubt on that tho i feel like it reminds me of scum him in one of the short fuses when i was scum with him

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didn’t u say u only had to replace 2 vowels? it’s a consonant now too?

can u explain? so if he didn’t make it up but it also wasn’t a check then what is luxy?

I did it that way as a j0k3.

No, I only respond to Sir Hippolytus III

…ahh, I think I figured it out.
Jake is Marg in disguise boom let’s move on to the next game

you say that a lot tho, like wayyyyy too much that it’s questionable now

ok, hip

(Imagine if all the Gamers had post restrictions that we had to spot)


I think he said while it wasn’t an alignment check, it did reveal some information and he didn’t target Luxy

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The fact u have added another letter to it makes me beleive this is a post restriction less

Like how Jake has to post like that and Uni can’t post at all

Very interesting catch, you are at the gates of hip town block now