[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

he could be, but he hasn’t really talked about it afaik and i don’t like how he’s sorta hiding behind it and not really doing anything so far i think? gonna iso him to see if he’s said anything good or ai or whatever

What were your abilities? You should’ve said before if you’re telling the truth
I literally asked you like a minute ago if you had any active abilities or not

N0w, 1f y0u’11 3xcus3 m3, 1’d much rath3r n0t r3ach an0th3r 13v31 0f h311.

Giving up all your abilities because 1 guy votes you seems legit.

That did absolutely nothing to exonerate you

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1 th1nk th0s3 ar3 ca113d pass1v3s.

Presenting… Joxers



What abilities do you have.

Stop that


Y0u’r3 11t3ra1y th3 0n3 wh0 want3d 1t.

/vote Hippolytus

Oh my god…

Its gonna get to a point where we are gonna need to decrypt everything he says

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Un11k3 m0st p30p13, 1 pr3f3r n0t t0 b3 c1a1mv1gg’d

Everyone, repeat after me.


You said u needed 2 vowels and ur doing every single one.

And you didnt do the restriction on almost your first posts, which is when you would absolutely remember to do it.

I call bs

Wouldn’t a mild W read support the idea that Luxy is an actual wolf from Astand’s check?


(I’ll be going now)

Say how many abilities you have

ok so what ive seen of jake he just asks a lot of questions, does some meme posts, and explained his post restrictions (plural) a bit? apparently he also gets a free pass every day/night? :thinking:

he has asked about kai a bit tho and that’s like the only proactive thing he’s done but then dropped it like he wanted to cast some suspicion? idk

wait no he isoed astand a bit as well and that’s it

its a red-check, meaning a result that indicates the target is scum
but it isnt a check, meaning it isnt a cop or similar standard investigative ability