[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

Nah your role and everything is completely random


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nah man you’re cool
its a shame you were outed like this

funnily enough, i dont think we can kill you rn

Bruh Nerbins that was so dirty which is why I was so reluctant to help with your reaction test lol


Ok then Luxy was the one who recommended me. We know each other from another discord server/community.

So. Simon, were you his lawyer?

We had lawyers?

did i not say earlier that i wasnt lawyer at all??
no, i am still not lawyer
i have HS flavor

:sweat: Sorry

I couldnt help Nerbins morally, but I couldnt stop it because the info we could gain. It’s unfortunate for uni but I hope they had fun

no someone here is claiming to be a prosecutor, and that there is a lawyer out there.

@Luxy why did you recommend them to join a bastard game for their first game??

Does it matter what character I was now that I am a Gamer?

Please don’t say any more. I’d feel worse

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It was the only signups open, he messaged me saying he was bored so I told him to join this

id say you probably shouldnt say anything about your role
it would be good for town for you to do so, but bad for you

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:man_shrugging: my first game was bastard. I didnt leave cuz it was to much fun

its a bit complex for one’s first FM game

But you didn’t get tricked by a bully that game

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I honestly didn’t expect it to be this complex tbh

I mostly feel bad that I outted myself like this and other faction members are probably gonna shake their heads at this xP