[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

do i need to go through my history of fighting for neuts-rights?

ah, alrighty then

still haven’t not claimed neut yet either

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No, so whats your opinion on Kai so far? Do u beleive his check?

im not gaining towncred for that
im saying dont read me for it as im established to do that regardless of my alignment

feel like if you werent neut you would have said

i have refused to claim. yes

still asking him questions tho as information is still information

at this point its kinda out of spite and not a legitimate reason ngl

sounds like buying time and searching for excuses
nah fam, u be third party or some shit

Im interested in that he hasnt answered any of my questions that or he just said no by not liking them

if ur town, u probs shouldn’t claim claim bc claim vig but if ur neut then just fuckin say ur neut holy shit

say what you wish of what you believe me to be but please dont spread misinformation saying ive claimed something when i havent


not liking them equals no so im assuming that

gimme a gut hunch, if you were to throw out a random geuss what would you say

never said you actually claimed not am i spreading it but as ben and dat pointed out, sounds like ur kinda scummy here ngl
anwyay, sounds like ur running away from the convo to me and answer my question

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if so i dont know what my lead is on about then… that or Kai is lying

what questions have u asked

1 i answered your question as you originally put it, 2 im not running away i didnt ignore anything you posted i was just keeping on moving while you typed