[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

I can’t decide now.
Give me twenty years minutes.

you’ve had 10 hours, lol

I was asleep since 2019-09-05T11:30:00Z.

Everything pinging me after that time will be disappointed.

Yes, I would.

So why did you start replacing ‘i’ and ‘L’ when you didn’t do so at the start of the match?

I spotted the incident when it happened and I’m genuinely befuddled as to how so many people have questioned it.

How many did question it?

Am I bringing up old news.

I can’t name names but I know that it’s been a focal point of conversation.

So what did Jake say about that?

This is the first thing he said after speaking normally and I think it’s pretty obvious. Jake hasn’t stated anything exactly but he has noted it’s passive, as are other abilities of his?

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@JakeTheWolfie Were you notified when you lost your abilities?

So a joke huh. What an annoying joke.

I still want an answer to the question.

One thing about Alice makes me feel better about her, but I will keep it in secret, and I might be wrong.

34 minutes have passed.

I forgot.

And you still haven’t answered even upon your return.

/vote Magnus

This is super off.

Is it?