[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

Like What I said before I really see wolf mindset I had before in them

about a hour and fifteen left

after they pushed one wallpost to later And later to post few quick reads then

they did say it was halfway, how is something halfway but only include like a quarter of the people. Maybe they were just gonna null like 10 people, but i found their wall small

What I mean is that try were pressured for no content after wich they just posted few reads just for that cred they didnt really engage with them or try to push further

Yeah that makes sense. They have been weird all game imo with their plan and everything

/vote @sulit



@Hippolytus @astand @Simon

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Accused Voters Votes
Simon BenShapiro, Kai_5, Hippolytus 3/11
Astand Jake 1/11
Icibalus MaximusPrime, Luxy, Alice, Astand 4/11
Sulit Datbird, H_Hja 2/11
GamerPoke Boss110 0/11
Magnus Bluestorm 1/11

we need astand. once they get here Ill vote. but if they dont vote sulit we’re toast

or a wayward boss.
that works too

/Vote Sulit
Better lynch than Simon

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luv you too boss :heart:
/vote sulit

thats 4 on sulit, matching ici’s 4
@Hippolytus @astand if either of you vote sulit we’re good

whats ur opinion on Ici?

honestly i got nothing. i have a bit of a SR on sulit but im still null on ici
zfm was good but i suppose im back to weak reads :sob:

Shouldn’t be today lynch at least, sure, he have weird post here and there but it’s nothing compared to Sulit

do you think ici would be better tomorrow boss?

No, Universal is better tomorrow


/vote sulit

Got distracted.

Honestly we should just lynch Jake IMO