[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

Yeah, no pelt yesterday, no pelt today (albeit not your fault), probs no luck tomorrow… Sure good excuse to delay your lynch.

Iv been told we can only ITA when the ITA window is open

Do you not know when that is?

When is this ITA window?

uhh can i ask what a pelt is?

Gyde said we will all be informed when it opens

I will be attacking [REDACTED]

What is the opinion of the court? Should I push Alice more?

I would like to know what a pelt is first before u do

is pelt an fm term or a mechanical term?

She meant she’ll supposedly get herself cleared by finding and killing a wolf (gaining their pelt so to speak)

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Pelt - the skin of an animal with the fur, wool, or hair still on it.

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honestly i feel inclined to let her face astand before letting her lead a lynch.

Oh I’m wearing one of those

Well then let her scumhunt and if it dont come or is bad yeah keep pushing

Also, with “mafia” instead of “wolf”, is it “hat” instead of “pelt”? Cuz it should be if it’s not

For the ones who know about scp, what is your fav scp researcher/personel

not fav scp?

well my favorite place is site-87, if that helps

i dont really pay attention to that but more the scps themselves