[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

Why am i second most likely wolf

In case you didn’t notice Hippo

Legit the only thing I can do is semi-consitantly ITA one person per day, also 3p are against mafia lol

cmon derps, pledge your helpfulness to town
your a neut so you need to work to survive. helping neither wont cut it sadly

Confirming it. Not going to claim what it was.

2 likes on this post and i gladiate alice

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Derp needs to be eliminated and quickly. He’s a threat to us all and gains passives if he successfully kills all SCP and their main console. Then he scumsides.

I mean, I can ITA scum if you want

we know one that is.
and considering they appear to be the standin for neutral that could easily be wrong

Wait how do you know?

Your primary night ability is useless.

Yes or no.

I don’t get anything for killing just scps lol

Refer back to my list of 4 roles I know exist

Unfortunately I cannot reveal that but I am telling you that killing Derps here and activating the second lynch to kill Universal with is most beneficial today.

Your progression d1 on Sulit made no sense.

You went from not interacting with her, to mentioning you’d vote her without voting at all. Plus, you spent the entire day going after a 3p claim rather than actually scumhunt and ending the day on Simon who’s likely V at this point for being on Sulit was just a shit look.

Mind explaining me why you didn’t vote for Sulit?

Very situational.

Hippo, would you mind assisting me in assuring Derp’s lynch and Universal’s

I feel like Kyo is 2854, 682, or Gydebot

You have an ability or passive which might cause a death.

Yes or no.

I feel like you’re evil to our society.