[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!



Well determination isn’t everything apparently.

I’ve just realised something that would be absolutely hilarious if it happened.

the fact this says yourself, and if we are to assume its in retailiation of ITAs happening, I can say that it probably isnt sent by a certain player who outed as Gamer yesterday btw

so there was at least an 18% chance for uni to be hit by now

Well we have like 3 more people I trust to shoot so lets hope for the best

whats commuting again?

I have no clue. In general it means to travel, but i dont know the fm qualities

Kay got back from dinner I shoot Uni, right?

Lets Go Nerbins Shoot him Dead!

here I’ll look it up

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Yee-haw boys, gonna bag me a movie studio! BANG!
/ITA Universal

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this has to hit, it was Nerbins who found him as scum

He’s going to get a hit in right after I tried to.

I have a 50% chance and I missed smh

You said you had a really high chance.

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I’m sure you did. Not 100% on SCP and 0 on anything else. Nooo, not at all.


Good catch!

what did he catch lmao?