[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

Have you considered the fact that this game is bastard

no it doesnt
flavor doesnt influence alignment

At most I’ve considered that they may be 3p that needs to live, but provide positive benefits.

have you considered the fact that you are a neutral that is sided toward scum? :upside_down_face:

Can u not see hes been super cagey about his role, even more so today, and hes trying to drive a narrative about mechanics like ‘scum’ which I dislike.

Its very obvious hes lying but im deciding how dangerous he is to town before boofing him.

I however have been completely open about my role

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Yeah p sure they are.

I thought you said earlier you didn’t know what the list was for

He also lied about the ITA chance.

Simon gimme ur top 2 reasons i shldnt gladiate u

I said I wasnt gonna say, but that was like in the first 10 min

Cuz after kyo ur my number 1

I never lied about the chance just said it was high

How is 50% high?

I still believe you’re lying about it and it’s a 100% on SCPs.

When you consider your chance is probably 10% or under, 50% is pretty high

where did everyone go

I mean I don’t really have much to say besides I want both you and Kyo dead so

ur mum asked for me

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Why do you wan’t me dead?