[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

Probably true.

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Dammit I really want a reward

it specifically says 1 claimvig

i feel like kai died more bc of saying the copypasta that luxy baited more than another claimvig

Ive seen this sort of scum role in mashes all too often - agree to a condition and get a reward, except you get a negative thing on you for agreeing and scum gets the reward.

kai said he had a neighborizer tho so i guess he didn’t?

Isn’t this game like a bit bastard though?
I saw a couple of flips and wasn’t like Universal gamer (Scum faction) but town’s spy?

He didn’t even post the whole thing

I think kai lied about a neigbor.

maybe it wasn’t luxy that baited tho and it was whoever tried to bait luxy

dunno why they would, that doesn’t make sense

Evading claimvig, which is ironic.

fairly certain geyde said op wouldnt lie and just bc it’s bastard doesnt mean that the game will lie about rules smh

you should know this by now

It doesnt say there cant be more than 1, or maybe there is a backup claim vig role.

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Look when a game has a mechanics revealer, you know some shenanigans are going on.
I don’t trust anything except the flips.
And I even take the flips tentatively.

Flips make sense so far at least.

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A does not necessarily =/= 1

I would take the possibility of another claim vig at face value and not claim at this point.

Additionally, possibility of a mafia backup which could make the OP true?

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ok i can see the backup but another claimvig would just be blatantly lying to our faces

Yet to discount that possibility in a semi-bastard already game is a grave mistake.

still feel like kai died due to the copypasta more than another claimvig tho

both a town backup and a mafia backup would be so boring if you actually did that geyde, this is supposed to be an unbalanced clown fiesta

Its not semi bastard though, its full on bastard.

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