[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

Then I plead innocent to insanity!

Understood. Call your next witness, prosecution.

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Defendant, why did you perform such a patently stupid action anyway? And did you have a permit for that AR-15, anyway?

Puts hand over my clients mouth
Your Honor just ignore that

It was not a stupid action. I was ordered by the humans to deliver an AR-15 to a person with a supposed permit (Magnus)

Have you not heard about the 3 laws of robotics?

Heres his permit right here

That’s the permission slip from a human (Magnus) to deliver the gun to him, and allow me to carry it.

I’m calling @astand, because they are definitely not eevee

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I’m not qualified for this. I was told this was a guy hiring an expensive lawyer to defend him for doing the shooty shooty bang bang in public and to find him guillty.

Now I’m asking questions about the nature of artificial intelligence.


I was built by Geyde! Persecute him instead if he’s wrote malicious code!

Prosecutin, what is your response to allegations that you created an artificial intelligence designed to deliver guns by throwing ammunition at people’s faces?


Im expensive? Guess I should stop going probono

Well I was just passing by, I saw Kyo drop the AR-15, and then Magnus took it and unloaded it on himself, imagine that!


Computers can be used to purchase weaponry.
That does not mean computers deserve banning.

It was a personal intent to perform the action by the defendant.


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who even is the judge?

Are you saying the victim shot themself, but failed due to the aforementioned fact about bullets disintegrating before they reach their targets 15% of the time?

Me, defense. The bald man with the oversized cranium.

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Oh look.
Testimony that clearly contradicts what the defendant is saying.


Um… Yes, that’s what happened.