[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

Yes, as according to government regulation.

(uh uh)


What do you have to say about this?

(you know how those old habits get you down?)
(like… bernie…)
(bernie liked to chew gum…)
(no, not chew…)

You know, i’m so tempted to call all of you in contempt. Soooooo tempted.

Firekitten needed to leave due to a completely non-fake medical issue.


These two look at the photographic evidence have been seen in the same discord server together. THIS IS AN IMPOSTER

that simply cannot be true.
as, during day 3 universal was shot 6 times only being killed on the last shot!

if it were really 15% chance of them dissolving, there would be a 99.99% chance he would have been shot in those first 5

that’s gambler’s fallacy

It was the lawnmower that did it!

actually it’s not even that

That’s just not how maths works.

I switched sides, Im on the prosecution now if the judge would allow it

/set bomb in the courtroom and slip away

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This is completely rigged.

RIGHT. You’re all in contempt. Bailiff, take them all away.


Court is adjourned.

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no, sheer statistics
the odds for an event to occur at least once within 5 attempts, if the event has an 85% chance of occuring on a one-by-one basis, is 99.99% exactly. not exaggeration


Ah, you’re wrong. They have a 15% chance of not dissolving.

you said 15% chance to dissolve
aka 15% chance for them to not hit