[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

Oh. In my class card it also says I can’t perform ANY action.

Can I get more congratulation for my hero shot pls?

What was your hero shot even?

Well perform ur action and say its not an ANY one

Apparently it was 1% chance to hit.

I shot PKR, who was a green peeked wolf.

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Huh, shitting hell.

I saw the green and the “Society” and just kind of assumed he was good.

Also just to reiterate so it’s not lost (take this info with grain of salt):

PKR and his teammate were indeed in main gamer chat, but other gamers didn’t know about PKR’s secret wincon. Now 3 gamers remain, and one of them has PKR’s wincon, while others I assume have same as sulit/Alice, and realize there is a traitor among them in scumchat.

I think it’s highly likely it was made up for confusion, so I don’t think this affects our curent plans in any way.

Maxi should be spewed V by PKR.

I think because of 1% chance to hit we should actually tinfoil that Icibalus was distancing from PKR…

And expected the shot to miss.

What makes u say that many left

I have info from unreliable source.

The best sources

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@KyoDaz did you target me at night?

No. I was the one responsible for no vote today, night chat tonight and vote tonight.

Ah yeah, makes sense, I must have confused with someone.

I am responsible for all of these.

Why did u do the last one?