[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

Nope, Simon left.

You said ‘this one’ so I thought it was another neighborhood.

Yes, M Bison aligned with society

Well he was society, but still a wolf.

I meant as in ‘this one ability’

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I have info that Ben is Society so don’t shoot Ben.

Well fuck good catch then

How reliable?

you said there was an ita session, i assume this one is real then?

Yes, we are in a real session, and both you and Luxy have shots.

100% reliable

This might cause issues for my worldbuilding.

As in geyde will announce it?

You can try shooting Magnus, but I think he’s ITA immune or something from his flavor.

what in the actual fuck

why the fuck would you do this that’s just gamethrowing if they can use it multiple times in a day

PKR flipped wolf.

no, but i know that my information is very reliable

brb in game


Meh, shoot Magnus anyway I think.

let me catch up first