[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

Or I decide I trust Magnus less but feel obligated to not vote since Astand

Geyde Bot?

Yes Geyde bot, the strongest scp

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Because i have to survive, rather than just get them killed.

It says defeat

I do.

Same bloody thing.

eh, i think the occam’s razor is that geydebot isnt an scp
and that perhaps there are more than 3 scps

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No u just said u didnt have to kill them. But ur win con says otherwise

maybe not occam’s razor, but it feels more likely than the two having the same wincon

Yeah, but how do you Defeat someone in fm?

but its still weird
it doesnt fit the style of the other wincons we’ve seen so far

You kill them.

you kill them
thats the way

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So u dont think both scp doctors would have the same wincon when they do pretty similiar things. Search for SCPs and kill them. Luckily for SirDerps he could do it more than like the first 6 hours of the game

but you said you didnt want them to get killed tho :thinking:

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Exactly ty

Wheres Astand when u need him

No. No i dont.
I really dont think geyde would put two people with the same wincon in the game.
regardless, i still think its weird, the way its worded