[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

geyde just combined flavor from his fm ideas

don’t think it has an impact on the game besides that

anyway, wanna vote bluestorm with me?

Maxi, I directly set up Astand’s plan.

I checked ginger, but I didn’t get any results. I asked geyde and he said no moderrors.

Dude, I’ve been hardpushed by a flipped wolf and hero shot another one who was incorrectly green epeeked, is that really something wolves do?

I do, however, have reason to suspect Kyo, but that reason is so roundabout and weird that I don’t even want to explain it. Let’s just say that it involves several nondisclosure agreements, shall we?

I’ve been meaning to ask, why did you shoot through a green peek?

Because PKR was wolfy as fuck and I haven’t trusted a single thing in this entire game.

I thought they could be a godfather, and lo and behold I was right. He reacted to the green peek in exactly the way a godfather would; still terriffied of being wolfread.

Makes sense

Also, apparently I only had a 1% chance of killing PKR with my ITA shot.
So I’ll be back this afternoon with more hero shots.

sure, you might have done one thing but like that doesn’t make me trust you

you sure seem to be relying on this one thing to prove yourself as towny hm?


i do agree tho, but i scumread jake harder but that’s probs bc pkr is more experienced

so thoughts on bluestorm/hja?

if this is true then damn that’s so good ass luck i wanna steal right there

We’re not going to be suspecting me I’m afraid. Even if I am scum I’ve been vanillized. You have bigger fish to fry at this stage.
I’m also the one responsible for giving us a night chat. What scum would do that?

That is such an unbelievably bad defence. scum can have any role in a game like this and a scum neighbouriser usually benefits from having people in its chat both mechanically and being read as town.

You being vanillerized means nothing either, if you are scum you are still 1 of 2 scum left meaning it doesnt matter if one more scum has abilities and you dont

/vote KyoDaz


Lol why do u think I’m evil?

Vote Kyo

Yeah I guess getting the confirmed is better than shooting blindly.

/vote kyo