[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

What’s ur opinions on the rest of the alive. If u could do a bulleted list with a couple sentence on each it be appreciated

A neutral that wants to kill other neutrals. And then you want us to believe you switched to society?

I have never had any win condition up until now.
You are pulling at strings. Give quotes of where I said I wanted to kill other neutrals specifically because they are neutrals.

Aren’t SCPs neutral?! You wanted to kill SCPs, you said on multiple occasions!

Okay let’s get him out of here please.

/vote Evil_Ginger

No I have seen the deer’s card but not sure on the owner of it. They were society aligned and had the same wincon as Hippo

Did you see the wincondition?

No /s

I only just realised you said that. I was going to make sure since Society here doesn’t nessecarily mean town-aligned.


Think about it. Society, Gamers, 3rd Party. Even if given different titles, we have two factions which can be called ‘town’ and ‘mafia’, wouldnt 3rd party be neutrals? From what I gathered, the SCPs have been deemed as enemies of both factions.

Okay. So SCPs aren’t 3rd party, but part of flavor. My bad. Still wrapping my head around all of this. Kyo is doing a great job making my hair out.

Well ignore him and do this plz

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Let me go get the list of people. Brb.

Why would you want me out then?

Me, kyo, Luxy, Maxi, hja, Bluestorm or Datbirdstorm, Ici or Datbirdbalus, and urself

@Emilia where u been, claim flavor, wincon, and abilities or die

Well, to be honest, though I have read the main part…

I…might have skimmed certain parts. Most of the people I paid attention to while catching have died, and even though I personally thought they were suspicious, such as Simon, they ended up green. So these aren’t things I can substantiate behind quotes and evidence, they are just my surface opinion on people I have somewhat got a vague idea about, so sorry.

  • MaximusPrime - I only remember them participating in arguments and being scumread by others. Can’t remember who.
  • DatbirdStorm - never got a good read, but somehow keeps drawing attention from others as an enemy?
  • Luxy - helpful, but almost too helpful, you know? Then they appeared, voted, then left.
  • DatBird - a meme aficionado so I can’t hate. I got distracted by memes so I might be biased.
  • Datbirdbalus - a target of others, an unfortunate victim to a meme gone on for too long. Haven’t gotten a read on them, mainly my opinion comes from others towards them instead.
  • Hjasik - suspicious, but I can’t remember why. But I dont think I had a eureka moment, so it may have just been the tone I got from their posts.
    *KyoDaz - highly dangerous in my mind. When all we have to go on are the things someone posts in the chat, lying over every little thing makes it hard to read that person. The person who cried wolf, this person personifies that tale.
    *Me - an idiot. Forgive me for not being completely helpful.

Wait serious thing how did two nightkills happen plus Ben dieing immediatly into day if Kyo is publicly vannilized. This wagon is making less sense.

Also Geyde promised two things he had to announce. One was the number of wolf’s left and the other I guess was Ben’s death. I feel like the second reveal is weird

Unless the public vannilize is fake it is clown fiesta,

Yeah. There is a lot in this game I have learned not to trust. There was a time someone said they could 100% trust something geyde told them, but before that, it was said that if it was announced in all chat could we believe it 100% and I asked geyde if they could confirm the statement and…nope.

I have learned not to trust much in this game, which is gonna screw me up.

Everything Geyde has told me so far has been true. I don’t believe he’s lied at all.