[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

From a purely mechanical standpoint we lynch Ici here.

Kyo can’t do anything if he is scum so we take the safer option.

I personally lean towards kyo but…

But what if hes lying. How many times has he lied. He legit has changed his role like 6 times

You occupied him yes?

The strange way kyo hammered storm also made me suspicious is there a reason for the royal execution?

For the day yes

So its only a day occupy?

Unfortunately, Bolster doesn’t work during the night, so I cant protect either of you.


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Fuck I thought it was a full cycle occupy… ok now I’m less sure.

Well let’s see. Who has Ici targeted so far? Compare it to kyo’s willy nilly throwing of shade

He says he can only action once per cycle due to be vannilized for a day but why does that make any sense

So far the only thing j trust from kyo was when he said he was lying to protect himself. Nothing else so far.

Fuck it do I just hammer it

At this point is it a hammer? We have waited for some time tbh

On Kyo or Ici?

@Evil_Ginger can you occupy Ici at night?

I say kyo

3 votes for hammer

We are at one on each.

No all I can do is see if they have a night ability. When I checked MaximusPrime last night they didn’t have one, hence why I thought they weren’t scum.