[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

Hey, he hosted my body and followed orders well.
So maybe?

@astand your reaction check on me won me the game

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Denied the recruit


Also my response to it wasn’t a lie; jake was inactive so I had no clue about a red check xd

Geyde what happened I was meant to commit suicide

I feel like the game was against me in every turn, I wasn’t even in the game and he lied to me



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Oof I made Luxy death immune

I demand a no contest specifically designed for me even though I wasn’t in the game

So wait, Kyo was 100 percent good-aligned all match???

thanks all
Was extremely fun hosting

That was the most clutch scum win


Well, I believe so.

U were a great host

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also can someone list out the bastard effects of this game

There were few bastard mechanics whatsoever
The closest things were the mod interaction based roles


Draw mode.

Couldnt even bring the dead back :stuck_out_tongue:

Town - Astand
I’m not giving Gamers mvps, they massively underperformed
Society Scum - Luxy AND Pkr (when dead)

Honorary mention
Literally every town that fakeclaimed up the wazoo
That shit was hilarious

I managed to fakeclaim three times and get away with it. ‘Yes, I’m the Judge’ ‘Yes, I’m Phoenix Wright’ ‘Yes, I’m the Prosecutor’ ‘Yes, there is a lawyer in game’