[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

Kill all SCPs. Which he technically didnt do but I guess since games over I guess I die. Idk

It’s the same as how a merc would lose if the game ended with their target alive but cult had majority just the opposite direction

Gg Luxy u played extremely well though. U deserved that win so much. Had me convinced

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Good fun, after astand’s clear of me I tried to clear Jake/pkr and then he got godshot.

I knew if pkr flipped I had only claimed he was society which means there would be no suspicion on me

It felt so bad when I died to a 5% chance tho lmao

@Alice sorry for that fullcop on you xd

I had to bus you for town cred

I had 2 red checks d2 on me while Magnus, Sulit, and Hja didn’t even play the game.

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I tried my best to save you Alice. Soz :frowning:

Ur gamer mvp, at least u gave a fight


Lynching the player who shot and killed PKR rather than the cop who claimed d2 and is still alive at LyLo when searching for PKR’s partner.



You are completely right
Adds to list

You never lynch confirmed town :wink:

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:man_shrugging: this is why I suck in end game. Early mid game I’m good. End game I just throw out my brain

why did y’all lynch at mylo

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I found this very fun. Thank you for hosting this.
Still can’t believe Derp actually had cannons as well. Right before I talked about how we’d plot an assassination against Nerbins using cannons and signal his death ‘Nerbins - District 12’

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I would have repeatedly said no u and no lynch and force mafia to kill someone or die from boredom

This is exactlyyyyyy what I was saying to Datbird!

NL is better in MYLO than lynching!

Because I wasn’t town?

Honestly didnt think it was mylo since it wasnt announced