[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

I’m guessing this was mantichora

Yep, Fable died like d3/d4, though.


I designed it, lol.

Just how scumsided did you make that game. It’s baffling village had even a remote chance.

I can switch my pfp to the classic birb if it’s too confusing

Sounded like something mantichora would do

Mantichora would introduce weird ideas and force you to balance them

custom tailored to the scums ability level


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The villagers had a shit-ton of KP as well, you guys did made a shit-ton of bad shots such as Chandra’s shot on GG and Scare’s shot on iaafr, though.

nah i think I’ll remember now as long as u ping me if u change ur pfp/name and if no one else changes their pfp to urs lol

The wolf team was actually kind of good. They had several pretty strong players in it.

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Yeah and also super lucky lynches on mafia KP two times in a row.

What im reading right now

It’s about this game: https://www.mafiauniverse.com/forums/threads/23789-Drakengard-Mash

haha nope not following an MU link


i like to be able to actually read things and maneuver around the sites im in, thank you sir

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Maybe one day I will make my way there…

yeah i hate how once you click a notification it’s gone forever and finding the game is a pain in the ass unless you bookmark it but i got a bunch of boommarks so >.>

I will just kindly ask to have my name back whenever. Cant be Dat without it ya know


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