[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

Something like ‘Make myself a deathproof infinivoter who can hammer everyone simultaneously’ would be flipped on its head

Because scum could still kill your slot because of strongman dayvig

reinterpret “hammer” to be a verb meaning “to give a physical hammer to a person”, and these hammers are hammers that replace votes when deciding the lynch, and they Banish people instead of killing them, which makes him not deathproof, and basically makes dat voteless

yeah basically

I would.

Meme Mafia

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i feel like there should be a seperate word for this consistent/non-lying bastard

Perhaps, due to this thread being a recent example of one, we could call them Clown games,
or maybe Clowny

(Role madness)

Yes please do something like this again but let me join day one thanks

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no, role madness is different.
its significantly less chaotic.

like, i feel like it would be nice to put everything on a chaos scale. from least to most chaotic.

  • on the extreme of the ordered side, we have Perfect Mountainous. not to be confused with Mountainous, this is almost certainly no fun for anyone. two versions.

    • either 1:1 Town to Scum, which basically isnt even a game, or the slightly chaotic 2:1, in which everyone is trying to convince 1 other person to vote with them. it could be argued that the second is significantly chaotic, but looks can be deceiving. the lack of mechanics and/or the ability for complex play to arise means this is supremely ordered.
  • A bit after the extreme, the first on our playable scale, is 1-day Mountainous, aka Semi-Perfect Mountainous. That is, any mountainous setup where the town is in LyLo or MyLo from the beginning. If the latter, a lynch is required to happen, even if it becomes completely random. the 3:2 setup from previous would technically fall under this, however i say its unplayability pushes it past the edge of this category and into the previous one. As this scenario doesnt have any night kills or lynches from which to gather information, there is very little time for complex play to arise. And mountainous leaves no room for complex mechanics, earning its spot in the least chaotic game which is actually playable.

  • Next on the list, is your bog-standard Mountainous. Love it, hate it, it is what it is. multiple lynches and nightkills allow room for some complex play to arise in the form of Mylo-avoidance, meta reads, and the start of traditional reads. on the far-ordered edge of this is 1-night mountainous, where there is 1 night kill and 1-2 lynches.

  • Next im going to put CopN, including games such as Cop13, and basically anything else that falls under the VFM category that isnt placed elsewhere.

  • Now we enter a bit of a grey area. This includes everything from Turbos (that are of types in this category and above. their speed necessarily introduces room for complex play, such as distracting another person, that is not always possible), to FoL, to non-bastard, open/semi-open fm. Personally i think FoL is on the chaotic edge of this group, but its all vague so i just dont know

  • Soon after that murky mess, is Rolemadness, and closed-setup, nonbastard FMs. this is where most of your SFoL’s live.

  • After that is once again a murky area, albeit somewhat smaller, this includes your WotM GI games and your Clown Games. Clown games tend to have slightly more potential for chaos than GI, as people tend to be somewhat close-minded in the types of mechanics they use for GI roles, but the sheer randomness involved in GI tends to make up for it

  • Now is the spot for your traditional Bastard. Rolecards that lie, sudden conversion, and incenitvised Gamethrowing this way lie.

  • Next is Pure GI, and other modified versions of GI, such as ones using hidden mechanics. the lack of supervision in Pure GI can lead to untold amounts of chaos, although thats quite unlikely, however just the idea of that being possible in and of itself pushes this forward in the ranks of chaos. This is our Chaos-side edge of playability imo

  • Lastly, in the spot of our chaotic extreme, is Randomized Randomly Randomness, in which all roles are generated truly randomly, and given to the players with reckless abandon. The wideness of Clown games and Bastard games, and the unsupervised part of Pure GI. this has not been played afaik. please dont :cry:

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Someone get me an osteopath my back aches after carrying scumciety for 6 days.

Yes, yes.
This was by far my best scum game ever.
Still chuffed from this

What are you on?

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I thought this was a game that just finished and was making a joke that I helped even tho I wasn’t in the game without realising I actually played this game so it didn’t work lol.

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amazingly i agree with this in a nonsarcastic way even though your dayplay was so obvious that i hero shot you immediately

you absolutely nailed your play after your death though

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I still can’t believe I bluffed it so hard lol.
Me and Luxy had no idea how many scum there were.
So I took a stab in the dark.


I want to leave but the game ideas man.

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Wtf why is this game being talked in.

Geyde asked if he should run another one

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