[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

Nope. Just said Judge.

So If people disagree with you they get lynched?

Not under the pic or anything in a color

you could be third party

No. It only works if a town member gets lynched as well. I might be third party.

does it say “if a town member gets lynched”? is that it?

So explain it to me like I’m five. If u dont like a lynch u pick a new one, and who dies

‘If a town member is attempted to be lynched you may decide to overturn the lynch. This does not affect yourself. Overturning the lynch will only be successful if the player you have overturned is not a member of the town. If you attempt to overturn to a town member twice you will commit suicide.’

I’d assume my win condition would be to successfully overturn a lynch?

huh, i thought it might say society instead of town or something

Is this the person u picked or the first person. Im sorry im just stupid if its obvious

should say in ur card

Ok so u dont have a win con and dont know ur faction. Thats weird

what if town is the secret scum faction smh

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It doesn’t unfortunately.
This is the player that I try to overturn to Datbird. I think anyway.

First Game I was in Flashbacks

Highly doubt it, would be broken if I could overturn scum lynches.

so what happens in that situation does the townie you picked still die? The phrasing leavs a lot to interpertation

I’d assume it would be that I would die alongside the player. Not exactly sure though. I would imagine it would specify overturning to myself.

is this ur art if not its ok? Im just trying to figure out which theme ur from SCP, HS, or Jojos

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