[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!


DONT Magnus u will die

Let’s say, your town here, then why would you put so much effort into a meme post?

I’m not Prince or anything!

there are multiple scum factions not including neutrals

im deadass


Theres claimvig i think

There is There is

I will defeat the Gamers with FACTS and LOGIC

that more-or-less confirms what im thinking rn


It’s called factional kill.


im not fuckin scared of the claim vig


thats separate

I’ve got a Uesless role.

s0 can y0u say that y0u scumr3ad th3 3n3my? als0 d0 y0u kn0w th3ir 3xact class3s?

claim vig is not the factional kill, what?

because because becaaaauuuse… because of the wonderful things he does
nah magnus is honestly just like that