[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

My votes on luxy till astand backs down or luxy gets here and has a strong retort

god dammit now I have to juggle Arena, this game and my maths homework
THANKS for being a cool person I GUESS

Is this a Magic thing?

Yeah, they’re showing previews of the next set’s preconstructed decks in the Brawl format. Which is like Commander but for scrubs.

Still, I’m pretty excited for Eldraine, so I’ll go check it out. Unless Hippo’s lying to me.

Yeah but im working till the 15th so i wont even get a chance to play them :sob::sob::sob:

Im acc scum with nerbins and its just my plan to get you out of thread.



fuck he’s good

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shut up Hippo they can’t know

I do actually think ur scum tho nerbs lol


Okay maybe Hippo isn’t lying, since my MTGA client is updating with a pretty sizable package. Thank goodness i’ve got 2 days to finish this maths homework and this game is too lolbastard for me to really bother making reads when it probably turns out I’m actually mafia and i’m going to receive a PM explaining that in fact the real mafia were the friends I made along the way.

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ok so im back, and I rbed someone for the day and they wont be able to use any abilities

Okay I’m certain it was me and that was a waste since I have no Day abilities.

unfortunately this includes mental abilities and you’ve made me an idiot
